
Кот-д’Ивуар: бои за Абиджа́н 31 марта — 1 апреля

Рубрика: Африка

Pro-Gbagbo militiamen sit on the back of

Still image from video shows smoke rising from the city centre of Abidjan

Forces loyal to the internationally reco

A UN MI24 helicopter flies overhead in the skies above Abidjan

Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast

Soldiers loyal to Laurent Gbagbo patrol a street in Abidjan

Soldiers loyal to Laurent Gbagbo patrol a street in Abidjan

Pro-Gbagbo militiamen man a post in the

Forces loyal to the internationally reco

Pro-Gbagbo militiamen shoot in the empty

Pro-Gbagbo militiamen patrol in the empt

Pro-Gbagbo militiamen patrol past a dest

Ivory Coast

Pro-Gbagbo militiamen, hooded or wearing

Pro-Gbagbo militiamen patrol in the empt

A woman runs past a destroyed vehicle on

Ivory Coast

Pro-Gbagbo militiamen patrol in the empt

A Pro-Gbagbo militiamen mans a post in t